Problems We Treat

Dental worries? We can help!

The tech is cool but you are what matters to us.

Your dental health is our top priority

Dental issues can strike anyone — even those of us who religiously brush and floss! That’s why we at Zenith Dental are committed to helping you maintain a sparkling, healthy smile, no matter what life throws your way. Noticed something off in your oral health? We’re your go-to dental experts in Ft Myers, ready to diagnose and fix whatever is bothering you.

Watch out for these red signs:

  • Toothache
  • Swollen gums
  • Gum bleeding
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Visible holes in your teeth
  • Cracks or chips
  • Loose tooth
  • Signs of infection

Feeling any of these symptoms? Don’t wait — book an appointment online or call us at (239) 691-8380 for the care you need.

Tooth Decay

Did you know that most people experience tooth decay at least once in their lifetime? Even though our teeth are very tough, they’re not invincible. Factors like sugary foods and drinks, skipping the floss, or simply going too long between dental cleanups can all cause tooth decay.

Untreated tooth decay can lead to cavities, which can be painful and even lead to other problems, such as infections. And the thing about tooth decay is that you might not notice it until it’s too late. The best defense? Don’t skip your twice-a-year dental visits. If we find any early signs, we’ll provide personalized solutions that could include fillings or other treatments.

Gum Disease

Gum disease can become very serious if you don’t pay attention. If not tackled in time, this quiet problem can turn into the louder, more serious issue known as periodontitis, and that could eventually lead to tooth loss.

At Zenith Dental, we’ve got the tools and expertise to treat and prevent gum disease. Using cutting-edge dental technology, we remove the bad bacteria and allow your gums to heal, all so you can continue to enjoy that healthy smile for years to come.

Chips & Cracks

A chipped or cracked tooth can happen to the best of us. Maybe it’s a sports injury, perhaps you’ve been grinding your teeth, or you simply bit down on something too hard. While chips and cracks may seem like minor issues, they can make your tooth more vulnerable to infections, decay, or even more damage.

After assessing the condition of your tooth, one of our dentists will suggest the ideal treatment to maintain its integrity and keep your oral health in check. Solutions might include a filling, a veneer, or even a crown.

Missing Teeth

Ever thought a missing tooth is just an aesthetic issue? Think again. Missing teeth go beyond cosmetic concerns. Not only can they affect your self-confidence, but can also open the door to other issues like gum infections and even bone loss.

At Zenith Dental, we’ve got solutions to bring back that complete smile. From dental implants and crowns to bridges, our restorative options will help you regain your smile and oral health

Other oral health Issues

Our mouths do more than just help us eat and speak. A healthy smile reflects our overall well-being, and we’re here to ensure it stays that way. At Zenith Dental, we’re prepared to handle a wide variety of oral health challenges, including but not limited to:


Want to know if we can help you? Just reach out to us in Fort Myers at (239) 691-8380 or book an appointment online with one of our dentists. We are excited to help you!

Putting your best smile forward

At our dental office in Fort Myers, dental care is a personalized experience. Our treatments are designed to meet your individual needs in the most comfortable manner.

Have dental insurance? We’ll coordinate with your provider to ensure you get the most out of your coverage. No insurance? No worries. We offer an in-house membership program and multiple financing options to ensure nothing stands between you and the dental care you deserve.